Weston Heights Sanitation & Paving District

Rosilee Lane Sewer Line Project

July 2, 2024 NOTICE 

The Weston Heights Sanitary District (WHSD) has secured funding (loans) from the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources to replace the existing sanitary sewer main and services on Rosilee Lane from Jennifer Street to just west of Susan Street. The preliminary step to develop plans for this project is to collect survey information. TerraSite Design and Howe Land Surveying will perform additional topographic and boundary surveys this summer into the early fall along Rosilee Lane. They will need to survey approximately 10’ onto private property to ensure enough data to properly make proper grade transitions and utility connections and to verify property corners. Please do not disturb any control points that are set. (typically, a large nail with a plastic ribbon). We appreciate your cooperation. If anyone has questions, please do not ask the surveyors, please contact Alex Cameron or Jay Evenson.

Meet the Board

Alex Cameron- President 605-480-1632 Term 2022-2024

Tracy Nordell -Vice President 605-430-3334 Term 2024-2027

Jay Evenson-Secretary          605-390-1934 Term 2023-2025

Donna Stevens-Book Keeper  605-877-1783


      Monthly Board Meeting Dates

Monthly meetings for the Sanitary and Road District are normally held the 3rd Tuesday of each month.  These can change depending on schedules.  The meetings are normally held at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Jay Evenson which is 1020 Rosilee Lane.  Tentative meeting dates for the rest of 2024 are;


Weston Heights Sanitary and Paving District Meeting


The Weston Heights Sanitary and Paving District will hold its normal monthly meeting on November 19th, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Bear Butte room of the Ramkota Hotel on Lacross Street in Rapid City, South Dakota.

This notice is to let residents of Weston Heights know that the Weston Heights Sanitary and Paving District will present the current plan for the Rosilee Lane sewer line replacement and road reconstruction project. The project will affect all homes along Rosilee Lane, from Jennifer Street to the baseball field. It will also impact those living on Susan and Krista Street. Every home along this portion of Rosilee Lane will be impacted during this project. Rosilee Lane will be unpassable as the new sewer line is put in. It will also affect your sewer and water service line to your home. The Board of Directors encourages those in this area to attend since it will affect both your property and access to your home by vehicle. If you are unable to attend, a board member will be happy to set up an appointment to meet with you and answer your questions.

Included in this meeting will be the first reading of an ordinance for setting future rate increases.

This is NOT the Weston Heights Homeowners Annual meeting but the normal monthly meeting of the Weston Heights Sanitary and Paving District. We are posting this as another means to notify those homeowners living on Rosilee Lane between Jennifer Street and the ballfield. Again, this project will also affect those living on Susan and Krista Street. Should you have questions before the meeting, please contact one of your board members. They are Alex Cameron, Tracy Nordell, and Jay Evenson