(Sept 27, 2022 Update)
The Weston Heights Subdivision was started in 1977 by private developers. Originally the water system was owned and operated by the developer but due to poor water quality in the initial well and subdivision growth, the Weston Heights HOA (WHHOA) was formed and purchased the system.
As the subdivision expanded, it was discovered that the pressures in the subdivision can drop to significantly low levels (less than 20 psi) during peak hours. The Weston Heights community, especially the residents on the west side have lived with this pressure struggle for many years. This is primarily due to lack of elevation and storage of the water tank and peak hourly demands exceeding the well capacity.
The existing standpipe tank, although in generally fair condition, does need to be recoated. The existing tank does not have adequate storage or elevation within its operating range to maintain adequate water pressures during peak usage or provide fire storage protection.
If the current Madison well goes down due to lack of power, then the entire subdivision is out of water. This has been a concern of the system for some time and the subdivision has experienced multiple power outages, primarily during winter storms, over the past decade.
The WHHOA plans to make the following improvements:
· Construct a new 200-250K steel spheroid reservoir southwest of the subdivision
· Remove the existing standpipe reservoir
· Install new water main and appurtenances connecting the reservoir to the system
· Upgrade SCADA and pump controls
· New well pump and drop pipe
· Minor upgrades to pump house piping, meters and pressure gauges
· Extend power to reservoir site
· Access road to reservoir site
· New generator for pump building
· Reservoir site improvements including, grading, parking area, discharge piping, chain-link security fencing
These proposed improvements were selected as they are the best solution based on land availability, economic impact to users, and ease of long-term maintenance while providing a significantly improved water system with regards to pressure and reliability. This will increase the pressure in the system by over 20 psi and will increase active storage significantly. It will also reduce the risk of water outages due to pump or power issues.
The estimated costs for this project are $3.87 million. This including all design, construction, and legal fees. The WHHOA applied for and received an 80% grant from the State of South Dakota. The remainder will be funded through a low interest loan from the State of South Dakota. The increase in monthly user fee is expected to be $16 per month at this estimated expense.
Survey and design are expected to start this fall with construction starting in Fall 2023 or Spring 2024. It is possible that this project may run into 2025.
(Sept 27, 2022 Update)
As we move forward with the water project we continue to look at the different options available.
(April 2, 2023 Update)
Since our last update we had Quality Services, Inc. do a Cultural Resources Inventory (Study) of the proposed are for the water tower. On March 1st 2023, we received a positive report back which keeps the project moving forward. At the same time we began to survey possible land purchases so as to provide a 300 foot protection zone around any future water tower locations. Engineering studies are also moving along to project future water line connections into the development.
(August 23, 2023)
The Weston Heights Homeowners Association is seeking $963,650 of funding from the Board of Water and Natural Resources for additional improvements and cost increases related to the construction of a new elevated spheroid water storage tank, well and pump upgrades, and supply/distribution system and other related project improvements. The funds could be either a grant from the state Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program or a loan from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) Program. The Drinking Water SRF loan terms are 2.125% for 30 years, and the Board of Water and Natural Resources may forgive all or a portion of loan principal. The amount, source of funds, and terms will be determined by the Board of Water and Natural Resources when the application is presented at a scheduled board meeting. The purpose of the public hearing is to discuss the proposed project, the proposed financing, and the source of repayment for the loan. The public is invited to attend and comment on the project. The public hearing will be held at the Best Western Ramkota Hotel in the Needles Conference Room (211 North LaCrosse Street, Rapid City, SD) on Monday, August 28, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
(Published August 15, 2023 at the total approximate cost of $49.13 and may be viewed free of charge at www.sdpublicnotices.com) Legal No:59242
(September 21st, 2023)
An amendment to our earlier State Water Plan request was submitted last month for additional funding as presented at the August 28th Public Hearing. The South Dakota Board of Water and Natural Resources will hold a meeting in Pierre on September 28th, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. Our request will be presented at that meeting. Should you be interested in listing in on the meeting you may call 605-679-7263, then enter conference ID 266-140-030# when prompted.
(September 27th, 2023)
A meeting was held today with TerraSite Design, DGR Engineering and representatives from the Weston Heights Homeowners Board. Some of the items on the agenda were size options, graphics / coatings, water mixer, fire flow needs, base cone floor and piping, backup generator and control systems. The design team continues to move forward with a tentative water tower completion in the fall of 2025 and the full project completion around July 2026.
(October 19th, 2023)
Over the last several weeks we have continued meetings with DGR Engineering and Meade County Planning and Zoning. The project continues to move forward. The final paper work and legal documentation should be completed during the next few weeks. This will allow the State to release the grant money to the Weston Heights Homeowners Association. The finalized plans must be submitted to the State of South Dakota by March 1st, 2024. Once approved we can then put the project out for bid.
(November 17th, 2023)
You may have seen the trees on Susan Street being cut down these past few weeks. The trees in the street need to be taken out for both the future water main and as a service road to the water tower once it is completed. As the trees are cut, homeowners are free to take what every wood they like for their fireplace or wood burning stove.
(December 2023)
As the project continues to move along, we were notified this month of another new requirement for the project to move forward.
Because the water tower will be on farm land, the National Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) came back with a determination that the Weston Heights project would effect prime farmland. To continue moving forward we need to get NRCS approval to complete the environmental review and close the loan. The WHHA Board is currently working on this and plan to have it completed within the next couple of weeks.
(June 2024)
Bid documents for the project were published last month. During a pre-bid conference we had multiple contractors show up. Since then bids for the project have been accepted and will be voted on at the June board meeting.
(July 2024)
The following two companies were selected based on their bids for the water project.
· R.C.S. Construction Company was awarded the contract for the water storage tank and the controls.
· Lidel Construction Company was awarded the contract for the water main and sitework.
A start date has not yet been set.
(September 2024)
A meeting was held on August 26th with both contracts regarding the water tower project. RCS Construction was awarded the Water Storage, Well & Control Improvements contract. Lidel Construction was awarded the Site Construction contract.
Phase 1 will start within the next week or two. Phase 1 will include the following;
· Mobilization
· Temporary access road construction. This will start at Creekside View Lane up to the future water tower location
· Foundation Excavation and Foundation
· Piping near the tank location
· New water main from the pump house north towards the development
· Pressure testing of new water main.
The first part of Phase 1 will end mid-December 2024 depending on weather. The second part of Phase 1 should begin around the end of April 2025. Again, this will depend on weather.